“Affirming the tradition that the Cariri was the mysterious territory of Badzé – the god of smoke and civilizer of the world. In the beginning was the trinity: Badzé was the great father. Poditã was the older son and Warakidzã (lord of the dream) the younger…” Rosemberg Cariry
JUNU - Music from Cariri
The work of playful singer, composer and musician, Geraldo Junior, from Brazil’s Northeastern region Cariri (Ceará) evolves around music, dance and performance, assimilating diverse influences and forms of expression between the contemporary and traditional.
The work delves into the roots of the people from the Cariri, their legends, characters and history. At Junu’s shows he both presents references from the Cariri culture the show also moves on to other influences that are easily identified such as guitar effects, distortions and ambiences, etc. His music follows an evolutionary trajectory from Dr. Raiz (2003), Calendário – O Tempo e o Vento (2007), Warakidzã (2012), "Electronic Forrós, Digital Tunes" (2015), processing and assimilated by other influences but always rising from his cultural identity.
The performance on Junu's fourth album "Electronic Forrós, Digital Tunes" (2013) is well balanced between it’s most diverse and contrasting references in a combination of synthesisers, drums, and guitars, together with accordion, viola, fiddle, flutes and percussion. Theatre and dance performances are blended into the show, where both unreleased as well as well know songs are presented to the audience.
Junu has been playing shows and festivals in various regions of Brazil and abroad. Some of the most important:
Some important Events:
PORTUGAL – Coimbra: Mostra SESC Luso-Brasileira de Culturas, Universidade de Coimbra, Jardins da AAC e Escola Avelardo Brotero;
INGLATERRA – Londres: Galpão de La Plage;
ALEMANHA – Munique: Einstein Kultur - Theater Musik Wort Bild;
BÉLGICA - Bruxelas: Festival Ai Que Bom!;
SUIÇA – Genebra: EthnoBar - Mr Pickwick, Geneva e Zurique: Festival de Cultura Brasileira e Zurique Dança Forró;
PARIS – França: La Plage e Studio de Rigole – Marselha: Bal Concert;
GRÉCIA - Atenas: Estádio Panatenaico (Cerimônia de passagem da chama olímpica da Grécia para o Brasil);
– UFRJ, UFF, SESC Nacional, ESEM – Escola SESC de Ensino Médio, SESC Tijuca, SESC Nova Iguaçu, Sala Baden Powell, Teatro Nelson Rodrigues – Caixa Cultural, Fundição Progresso, CTO – Centro de Teatro do Oprimido, Clube dos Democráticos, Lapa 40, Rio Scenarium, Livrarias Saraiva, Leviano, Circuito Cultural Mercado do Peixe, Teatro SESI/SENAI de Jacarepaguá, Circuito Cultural SESI RJ, Tangolomango, Calourada da Rural, Festival Santa Música, Cúpula dos Povos, Rio+20, Congresso Mundial da Juventude, Encontro Brasileiro de Produção Cultural e Festival Kombi Voadora, CCBB - Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil e Circo Voador;
– SESC Ipiranga, SESC Thermas, SESC Rio Preto, SESC Bauru, SESC Pompéia, Sesc São José dos Campos, Espaço Urucum, Mundo Pensante, Sarajevo, Coletivo Tapuia, Puxadinho da praça;
– Ouro Preto e Mariana (Festival de Inverno de Ouro Preto) e Juiz de Fora (Corredor Cultural);
– CCBB - Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil
– Maringá FEMUCIC (Festival Musical de Cidade Canção) e Foz do Iguaçu no Festival Cultural Latino Americano;
– Cuiabá ENEL (Encontro Nacional dos Estudantes de Letras) na UFMT (Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso);
– Recife Carnaval Multicultural e Bodocó Festa de São José;
– Cajazeiras UFPB (Universidade Federal da Paraíba), Sousa CCBNB (Centro Cultural Banco do Nordeste) e Campina Grande UEPB (Universidade Estadual da Paraíba);
– Maceió FEMUSESC (Mostra de música do SESC Alagoas);
– Teresina ”Armazém de Todos os Sertões“, Festival “O Sertão Vai Virar Mar” e Festival T.H.E Music;
– SESC's Juazeiro do Norte, Crato, Sobral, Aquiraz e Fortaleza (Emiliano Queiroz); Mostra SESC Cariri de Cultura; Centro Dragão do Mar de Arte e Cultura; Teatro José de Alencar; V Bienal Internacional do Livro; Festa de Santo Antônio de Barbalha; Circuito Cultural Banco do Brasil; XV Cine Ceará; Circuito Ceará de Cultura; Encontro de Mestres do Mundo e Festival de Teatro de Guaramiranga.
The Cariri in Ceará is a single region in our country. It unites knowledge from the ancestors which is still kept in the memory of men and women. It’s a region that receives hundreds of thousands of pilgrims from all over the Northeast, driven by the faith in Father Cicero. Together with their prayers and promises they bring costumes, accents, expressions, music, poetry, rhythms, fun and games that gathers a rich and complex symbiosis in the Cariri with various musical genres such as reisado, guerreiros, lapinhas, bacarmarteiros, bandas cabaçais, coco, emboladas, repentes and many others.
It is in this setting that the work of Junu is developed a musician who in the scattering of his songs expresses the mixture of the rhythms and colours of the Cariri putting us in front of a spectacle that is inspired by the force of the myth and the deep, solid symbols that are the North-eastern cauldron. Creation and invention that unfolds in poetic and metaphysical senses by drawing a continuous line between the past, present and future with a repertoire that mixes its own history, with an artistic expression that includes a diversity of sounds worthy to represent Brazilian music.
Singer, musician and composer, Junu, takes a pulsating celebration of life to the stage. His concerts are blended with a ritual. Strength and delicacy show references to his homeland Cariri. His work draws partially on the back lands, but is also strongly urban. The poet brings the popular arts together through a contemporary reading, using traditional elements as a tool to reframe all these various musical languages: terreiro music, reisado, banda de pífano, coco, cantoria, benditos, virtual music, eletronic, digital, rave, drumbase, rock'n'roll... Expression of unlimited possibilities. All this in a spectacle of music, dance and performance.
Dane de Jade
Beto Lemos, Gabriel Pontes, Dudé Casado , Demétrius Carvalho, Ranier Oliveira, Eric Barbosa, Lello Bezerra, Eduardo Karranka,
Gil Duarte, Ricardo Cotrim, Genival do Cedro, Marcelo Müller,
Cláudio Lima, Marcos Maia, Fábio Maciel, Ricardo Miranda,
Anderson Matos, Remy Oliveira, Joana Araújo, Abel Pereira,
Rubens Darlan, Rodrigo Moura, Lifanco, Ibbertson Nobre,
Evaldo Rodrigues, Flauberto Gomes, Francisco Gomide,
Junior Casado, Antônio Queiroz, João gabriel, Rebeca
Queiroz, Rubens Leite, Cícero Tertuliano, Evânio Soares,
Ramon Saraiva, Pantera, João Caetano e Filipe Müller.
+55 (21) 98250 8346
geraldojuniorcariri (Skype)
São Paulo - Rio de Janeiro - Ceará